chinas godson mpu aims for 28-nm ee times by rick merritt palo alto, calif. -- a chief architect of chinas microprocessor initiative described an ambitious set of new godson cpus including a server chip with vector processing.wei-wu hu, a p...
搭建中国自己的信息产业平台 谈访龙芯产业化之路 信息产业的自主创新,不仅要依托技术,还要放大到整个产业体系。不能仅仅寻求在某个点上的突破,唯有抢占产业体系的制高点,...
跨越技术转移的第二条死亡之谷 两位科学家的创业实践与思考 编者按: 自上世纪八十年代末以来,我国科学技术事业突飞猛进,科研经费投入与技术成果产出量屡创新高,近年来每年...
imagine that your nation is entirely dependent on a belligerent and economically unstable foreign country for a precious commodity. imagine that without that commodity, your entire society would grind to a halt. got it? ok, now imagine that...
china represents a huge, and still largely untapped, market for computer makers: in a country of 1.3 billion people, only 40 million computers were bought in 2008, when the 300 million people living in the united states bought 66 million. a...
2020年,中国芯要支撑起信息产业发展 访中科院计算所研究员、龙芯项目组负责人胡伟武 与一般的集成电路不同,作为一种基础性的部件,cpu对信息产业所起的支撑作用,就好像钢铁之...